16.12 2014
Pixelhunters Spreads Positivity Online
Along with many features from different entertainment and digital arts websites since its release, Pixelhunters is taking wave as it spreads brightness through art expression. Recently, the short movies ‘Why Roar?’ and ‘Life’ gained praises because of its inner message of life’s choices and optimism, other than its form as arts.
Pixelhunters’ short movies have been featured at http://mymir.bg/, a culture and society website based in Bulgaria that aims to publish diversified entertainment outputs worth sharing. The general aim of the movies is for us to look at our life and the choices we need to make; that we need to acknowledge that these choices, either right or wrong, are meant to teach us a lesson and hopefully, lead us to the road where we recognize that life, no matter how bumpy it can be sometimes, still has positivity in it. That there’s still hope.
The feature comes with an interview by Dubai-based Pixelhunters’ CEO Dr. Ani Atanasova and Studio Director Ilia Atanasov, who both came from Bulgaria. Read more of our feature through this link: