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Pixelhunters CEO as a guest speaker at the 8th International Women Leaders Summit, Pakistan

Pixelhunters CEO, Dr. Ani Atanasova has been invited as a guest speaker for the 8th International Women Leaders Summit in Pakistan on 23rd of January, organized by New World Concepts. The event is focused on providing leadership development insight that encourages, cultivates and harnesses the talent of women to innovate and enhance their professional lives.


There will be exclusive roundtable mentoring sessions by international speakers which will cover the following:


- Spirituality and inner peace

- How to network for career growth

- Conserving personal energy

- Balancing pressures

- Creating your pitch

- Seeking better work/life balance

- Health and well being

- Fueling self-development


Dr. Ani Atanasova was also invited to participate in a panel discussion for "Encouraging Women Entrepreneurship", a session being hosted by Pakistan Women Entrepreneurs Network for Trade (WE-NET) on 24th of January.