Game related to an underwater adventure.

The artists’ passion to create the artwork for the background came from real underwater experience. The ocean underworld is amazing, it is a whole new universe down below - so beautiful and peaceful. Combining the lead artist’s diving experience with some picture references, we assembled the idea for the sunken ship. Visibility underwater is pretty limited, so we had to reinforce a little some of the fog background plans and also the wreck - we made it smaller than it is. The fish were also enlarged in comparison with the wreck, in order to make them more visible. Under the water, the red specter starts disappearing as one goes deeper. The wreck is 20-meters deep, so at such depth, the picture is almost entirely bluish. So we needed to play with the colors as well, to make it more interesting. The fish are also an additional element that brings color variety to the picture. 

Other games from the same suite:

Dolphin's Route

Manta Madness

The Whale King

Wild Powerboats

Reels: 5
Main mode
Free games mode with an increasing multiplier
Animation of all symbols

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