The retail industry is undergoing major changes across the spectrum, from brand perception to the buying experience. In this extremely competitive market area, retailers seek more effective and distinctive methods of reaching consumers and increasing market share. Although famous and well established brands have the luxury of retaining traditional approaches to marketing and sales techniques for now new brands are emerging and succeeding in capturing market share, especially the ones that offer memorable customer experiences.
The retail industry is discovering that products involve more than just something to buy; users seek enjoyable experiences and retailers look for a connection and influence with the customers. AR and location-based services have become indispensable in creating demand while tracking, and satisfying the consumer’s experience.
Pixelhunters is in the forefront of this rapidly evolving trend, specializing in developing innovative marketing strategies and effective tools including AR, game-based virtual reality, and shopping with location-based tracking that enhance user and retailer interaction - you name it, we highlight it.